Build Your Inner Sanctuary 12 Week programme*

I created the ‘Inner Sanctuary’ course after noticing that many clients I was supporting in their personal therapy and facilitation work struggled to connect with themselves, be present with themselves, experience silence, identify their thoughts and name their feelings.
Some of my clients were experiencing physical pain and mental anguish and so I assisted them whilst they were recovering either in health settings, in A&E or at home as a therapist. Other clients I was supporting as a personal therapist in my private practice. We noticed in our work together that they struggled to connect with their internal experiences. Working together over the years it transpired that they never learnt a way to connect within nor did they understand the body/mind connection and how stress and trauma might have affected their organism.
Additionally, many had not learnt an introspection practice nor were they particularly reflective or knew how to meditate. They needed a ‘way in’ and processes that they could do, in the comfort of their own home, so that they could ‘be with’ their internal experiences and start to work with their thoughts and emotions. Many reported struggling with meditation or mindfulness also, which puzzled me initially.
I therefore wrote psychoeducation material to offer some explanations, and started integrating, in collaboration with the clients themselves and the settings where I was working, various practices, therapeutic interventions with yoga, meditation and the environment, which proved very effective.

This programme is for you if:
- You need something else alongside your personal therapy
- You need an adjunct to your own practice of meditation & yoga and perhaps a refresher course with some of the science underpinning why a practice like this might work
- If you need to build inner resources and a repertoire of practices to connect with your experience so you can communicate your experience in your own psychotherapy, OR
- If you are going through difficult times and would like to learn to hold yourself during times when you might not have someone physically supporting you, AND
- You would like to work with me throughout the course, which I offer as part of this programme as well as a 50% discount on my usual fees throughout to support you.
The aim of this programme is to get you started in learning to create your own inner sanctuary. I have integrated all that I have trained in, practiced and worked with in a variety of settings (from the corporate world to hospital settings, psychiatric wards and even retreats and ashrams!).This programme combines the latest research around quiet time, silence, meditation, including the body as well as methods of connecting with our own internal experiences and the body such as introspection, self-reflection, emotional literacy and much more.
I started practicing quiet time when I was a very young performer to “still my nerves” before going on stage, practices I then continued in my adult years, and which helped me transition into the practice of meditation and yoga which I learnt over two decades in Buddhist centres in England and Asia, including Thailand, India and Japan.
The effectiveness of stillness, quiet time and meditation as well as personal therapy work methods using a variety of modalities (which help us connecting with our internal experiences of thoughts and emotions) were so powerful over time for myself and those around me that I researched their effect in my Master in Psychology thesis and deepened my knowledge of these during my clinical practice in my Doctorate in Counselling Psychology. I employed these throughout my Doctorate and was asked by supervisors to offer them to patients in a variety of settings. I also taught them in various corporate environments. I present to you here a version of these original programme as a 12 weeks programme.
Topics Covered in the Programme

You will receive:
- 12 separate ‘lessons’ on each of the 12 themes covered of up to 6 pages of A4.
- 12 audios of up to 25 minutes each.
- 3 x 50 minutes coaching sessions with me to support you with the material you receive, help with your practice or simply answer any of your questions (worth £ 510 outside the programme)
- 4 emails touch point offering you additional support.
- 50% discount on my usual coaching/personal therapy fees throughout the twelve weeks.
- Your Alchemists 6 ingredients for change steps.
- At least 15 x Exercises and suggestions for you own inner work.
- At least 12 x reflective practice suggestions.
- Inspiring poetry and quotes.
- Useful links and additional resources.
- The total investment is an introductory fee of £499 instead of

“Quiet time” and “concentration meditation” form part of mindfulness. They are simple, safe and powerful especially when the world out there might seem overwhelming. The lessons provide some scientific background and psychoeducation around their effectiveness and associated positive well-being and health outcomes.
I have additionally added a process I have entitled ‘6 ingredients for change’ I specifically put together to help you connect within in more challenging times and have added many more ideas, tips and resources to help you connect that you can always go back to. It is my hope that these practices will help you create very solid foundations for self-care practices. You will learn how to instantly feel better whilst retaining “inner peace” and adapting to a faster pace of life and change.
These forms of relaxation and connection within won’t interfere with any of your current religious or spiritual practices (or your religion). They are a form of focusing inwards which exist around the world, in all cultures, in all ages throughout history (James, 1987) in many of the main monotheist religions and other spiritual traditions. You do not need to have or believe in a particular faith. We will learn more about why it might benefit you, how it works and how you to do it.
If you are interested in purchasing the programme and working with me, please connect with me here or email me at: [email protected]