Meet Your ‘Inner Addict’ and free them

What is addiction? We commonly think of addiction as having a dependency on substances such as cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or processes such as gaming, work, shopping, sex. But addiction is a complex bio-psychosocial process involving inner mechanisms built over a lifetime to survive. They are solutions your bio-organism established in place of connection.
You can be addicted to your anger, to procrastination, to sport, to education, to information and even to spirituality.. to anything essentially that you use instead of connecting with yourself, and then others from a place of fullness rather than lack.
I have had my own issues and been on my own journey with various addictions including food, anger and intimate/romantic relationships. I first attended as a service user myself and then led various programmes such as12 steps, retreats and other programmes over the world over two decades. I then studied this at doctoral level and supported patients in the best clinics including charities and clinics in London such as the renowned Tavistock in London and of course Dr Margaret Paul’s own retreat in Colorado.

Join me on 1:1 workshops for an opportunity to work specifically on ‘inner addict’ parts.
These workshops are open only by invitation and for those who have worked with me before and/or have attended a workshop before. You must be willing to commit fully on your recovery and be ready to be challenged.
From as little as 1.5 hours to 2hours you can work with me to specifically address addictive patterns you are struggling to break. We will use a plethora of techniques such as psychodrama, chair work, InnerBonding, my own techniques of ‘runway catwalks’ and many others. The session finishes with a 10min Q&A / PsychoEducation when you can ask questions specifically around addiction, and learn new skills.
Sessions are:
* Bookable a week in advance
* When 2 sessions are booked in advance, discounts are offered of £35 for 1.5 hours session, £50 discount for 2 x 2 hours sessions.
* To be used only on the date booked and within the month.
* Non-refundable/non-exchangeable.
* On first come first served whilst availability lasts.
***Places are limited ***
I am excited to support you so you can truly experience freedom from addictions!
To book email me: [email protected]