“The knowledge of the heart is in no book and is not to be found in the mouth of any teacher, but grows out of you like the green seed from the dark earth.”
C. G. Jung
We are delighted to launch our new Mentorship Programmes. As a lifelong learner, mentor, and mentee, myself, I have combined three decades of experience and expertise in receiving and providing mentorship worldwide across four different fields from the best teachers in the world. Read our article here on life altering gifts from Master Teachers.

* You need career or personal life coaching, might be unhappy with how things currently are in your life but are not able to identify why and you are ready to commit to turning things around now.
* You wish to break unhelpful patterns, transform in an area of your life and work through what is holding you back.
* You know your gifts and talents and that there is more to life than what you are experiencing but you are not sure how to move forward and are ready to change or you don’t know your gifts and talents and wish to uncover them.
* You are going through a major life event or transition and need support in navigating this.
* You have a vision, project or idea you wish to manifest but somehow you have not been able to do so and are ready to commit to making this happen.
* You are not sure why you wish to be mentored but you feel a deep call from within that this is the path for you as you are ready to change something in your life.
* You are willing to go outside of your comfort zone, expand and be all you can be and are ready to lovingly break through your fears which are holding you back.
“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.”
Jack Canfield

You might wonder what benefits a mentorship programme offers compared to ongoing work on and off with your coach/facilitator or contrasted with intense and ongoing alone work?
There are big differences…
“What is a teacher? I’ll tell you: it isn’t someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows.”
Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello
Whilst “all the answers that we seek are within ourselves”, to get to this truth, often requires removing many veils accumulated over many years. These are commonly known as “our conditioning” which have become habitual thinking and behaviour (a pattern) responses gained over a lifetime and which can be very tricky to dismantle by ourself. As a mentee myself, I have experienced the unique benefits that a mentorship programme offers in achieving this breakthrough.
Moreover, whilst a one off session with a qualified guide you resonate with is invaluable and needed, a mentorship programme differs as follows: 1) offers a unique opportunity to work on manifesting radical change working more intensely and focusing systematically on the issue at hand continuously over a sustained period of time, 2) allows you to be seen deeply and supported in a very unique way, 3) the commitment, support and clear accountability agreed to and gained over a specific period of time provides a uniquely transformative container from which a mentee “alchemises” their learning. The combined benefits above help the mentee develop exponentially.
Is the Timing Right?
It is important to add however that mentorship might not be for everyone. It requires 100% willingness to reach your full potential, readiness and trust in the relationship and the programme, to be mirrored with 100% honesty and to do the work. In addition to this, the timing must be right. Our society encourages “doing” rather than “being” but there are times when resting rather than more doing is required. We encourage you to check in with yourself to find out what’s best for you. If you’re ready to start a mentorship journey, the benefits include great traction and momentum forward in your work and life!

“You have to believe it’s possible and believe in yourself. Because after you’ve decided what you want, you have to believe it’s possible, and possible for you, not just for other people. Then you need to seek out models, mentors, and coaches.”
Jack Canfield
We offer the below three options:
Option 1 – the 1-month programme is for you if 1) you’ve worked with a facilitator/therapist/coach before on and off for many years as you value being offered mirroring for your ongoing development by a qualified guide you trust, 2) you might need assistance with a particular issue you are facing right now which regular interruptions and off time seem to slow the desired outcome, or 3) you’ve never worked with a facilitator/therapist/coach before and would like to experience what it is like, or 4) you’re currently going through a major life transition or event and need more than a one off and unplanned one-to-one session, but are not able to commit for a longer programme.
tOption 2 – the 3 months programme is for you if 1) you’ve worked with a facilitator/therapist/coach before, on and off, but have not been able to consistently commit to your practice or vision, or 2) you’re currently going through a major life transition or event and need ongoing support for a few months to deepen your practice and learn new tools to manifest your vision, or 3) you’re ready to radically transform your life, develop your gifts and talents, have had coaching before and need to be guided in this process of transformation over a longer period of time to give you gaps to process and integrate your learning for maximum impact.
Option 3 – the 6 months programme is for you if 1) you’re new to regularly working with a facilitator/therapist/coach and have not had regular support and mirroring, or 2) you’ve worked with a facilitator/therapist/coach before on and off but have not been able to consistently commit to your practice or vision, or 3) you’re currently going through a major life transition or event and need ongoing support, to learn new ways/tools for inner resourcing, or 4) you’re ready to radically transform your life, develop your gifts and talents, plan your vision and are ready to be guided in this process of transformation understanding that radical transformation does not happen overnight, or 5) none of the above but you feel a mentorship programme is the right choice for you right now.

- 1, 3 or 6 months of private coaching – includes 2 one hour sessions per month via skype.
- Masterclass lesson(s) – delivered as a mix of guided meditation, a video, an audio and/or a written article (with one specifically tailored for you) and based on the themes you are exploring and to guide you to deepen your practice. (If you have received any of my material before, you are free to gift it to a friend).
- A 30 minutes ad hoc session – to support you with anything arising during the programme, which the other methods of support might not meet.
- Email support – between sessions, you’ll have access to me via email* to answer questions, for support, to bounce your ideas off of, or whatever else you need help with. (*1, 2 or 4 emails depending on the package, number of words are limited to 200 words per email).
- A 30 minute follow up session – after the programme ends, you’ll receive a half-hour session which you can use anytime within either a month, 3 months or 6 months after your programme ends.

Please email us at ( [email protected]) to receive an application form.
We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey with you.