New Virtual Workshops
“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly”
R. Buckminster Fuller
We can’t heal what we don’t know. Until we gain some awareness of what has happened to us, connecting to our feeling selves, what is known in the inner child model as our little boy or girl, we might be idealising or denying the past making it virtually impossible to heal our wounds. We each inherited an inner programming, which we might not be aware of and it is most likely that our little child’s boundaries were violated.
To help you make strides in your healing, I regularly offer more in-depth mini workshops to help you deep dive into themes and events in your life. If you feel called to take these workshops, your Inner Child might feel that you are now ready to hear her/him/them and to understand the root causes of why you might be suffering today. Using various tools such as your timeline (which we cover in a workshop) and various modalities (including inner child work), I assist you in identifying what might be holding you back so you “do the work”. We deep dive into any boundary violations, you discover how co-dependency might have manifested itself in your life and are supported in validating your feelings. In the workshops you will be supported in setting new healthy loving limits (boundaries) and exploring areas in more depth than in shorter 1- or 1.5-hour sessions.

Workshops offered are:
- 1.Boundaries workshop: Introduction to Boundaries: identifying and repairing boundary violations,
- 2.Co-dependency workshop,
- 3. Inner-Child work workshop: validating and feel your feelings,
- 4. “Write Your Life Timeline and Join the Dots” workshops – Steps 1, 2 and 3.
1.Boundaries Workshop: Introduction to Boundaries, Identifying and Repairing Boundary Violations
If you wish to understand more about impact of boundaries violation in your life and relationships today, as well as the potential links to co-dependency, you will be supported to reflect on boundaries starting a or using and existing timeline of your life.
Boundaries are limits that we place which signify to us and to others what we will and not tolerate. They are meant to be flexible as opposed to rigid as we grow and evolve in our healing. They are not meant to exclude others but are all about what we deem acceptable in line with our values.
A boundary violation happens when someone consciously or unconsciously crosses your boundaries in any of the below: Emotionally, Time, Space, Physical self and expression of our sexuality, Environment, Our responsibilities, Financial and money, Beliefs, Opinions and Thoughts.
Whether a violation is intended or not, whether it is committed out of ignorance or malice, it is still a violation and have consequences especially for children that reach far into the future.
In this mini workshop which can last 3 hours (as day 1) or as many days as you need, you will be exploring boundaries. For the violation to end today, we’ll explore what a boundary is, what constitutes violations, you will be supported to identify violations, to name the perpetrator(s) and supported in expressing all your feelings around the violations to rebuild the violated boundary. (Building a or attending a timeline workshop might be useful).
Questions to help you explore in the workshop (or for your own home exploration) are:
- How do you infringe on others’ boundaries regarding X, Y, Z?
- How do you allow others to cross your X, Y, Z boundaries?
- Etc..et..

2. Co-dependency Workshop
The American Psychological Association (APA) defines co-dependency as “the state of being mutually reliant, for example, a relationship between two individuals who are emotionally dependent on one another.”
If you have a traumatic ancestral/transgenerational history or have experienced abuse/neglect or lack of bonding with your caregivers, you might not have been taught to connect healthily to yourself and others (known as ‘self-partnering’). You might be “self-abandoning” when your worth might be attached to how you catered to others’ needs, ‘giving to get’ with an over-emphasis on others or the external rather than focusing on you. This is also at the root of “co-dependency” or what Dr Ross Rosenberg calls “self-love deficit”.
How this might have manifested in childhood:
- Your caregivers might not have been able to ‘attune’ to you
- Your lovability might have been mostly based on externals and school or professional achievements
- You might have been shamed and being told ‘you don’t know anything; your point of view does not matter’
- You might have therefore learnt that your needs did not matter, and you might not know how to vocalise them and therefore not know how to be an advocate for yourself to stand up to your own truth
- You might become used to being alone, abandoned, isolated and confused
- You might be achievers and get things done, might be highly capable, intelligent, empathic but have learnt to survive alone or under difficult conditions, and can make things happen in your life etc. This might be compensation for unattended hurts and wounds. “Addictions” or anything done to not feel could be seen as a form of self-abandonment. This includes activities which Western and global societies might deem appropriate such as “overworking”, over-consuming etc.
In this workshop, working with particular events, you are supported to:
- Validate all your feelings that you were made to feel guilty about feeling as a child or that you could not express,
- Build a healthy connection with your emotions so that you connect more deeply with yourself.
- Challenge your false beliefs and find the truth about them so you are more authentic.
You will be encouraged to reflect on various key events in ajournal or timeline, such as:
- When I was a young child up to 7 years old how did I feel in the company of my caregivers…..
- • Etc.
If you book 2 days or more, more questions will be recommended for your explorations.

3. Workshop 3: Inner-Child work: Validating All Your Feelings
Are there particular events in your timeline which were abusive, where your boundaries were violated and which you never fully felt? Which were they?
In this mini-workshop, using anger and other processes and various modalities such as psychodrama, emotion focused therapy, focusing, Inner-Bonding, and other techniques, you will be supported to hear your inner child(ren), dialogue with them, feel and release the feelings, unearth
false beliefs and replace with new more empowering truths.

4. Workshop 4: “ Write Your Life Timeline and Join the Dots” Workshops – Steps 1, 2 and 3
A timeline is a series of events and trends which join together to create cycles of positive and negative shifts, highs and lows in the course of a lifetime from birth. A timeline is a very useful tool in your healing journey giving you an opportunity to capture the positive and negative twists and turns of your life on a single trajectory. Once this is put on paper, it enables you to create new, and potentially healing and empowering shifts in meaning in your life.
In part 1 of this exercise, you are encouraged to start sharing your life story based on the most significant events of your life. Typically, 6-hour sessions are usually required to build a timeline from birth to someone’s adult life. If you choose a 3-hour workshop, you will be encouraged and supported to focus on the big life events which you feel shaped the course of your life.
Part 1 helps you to:
- See the themes that connect and cut across seemingly different events.
- Identify major achievements, growth opportunities, lessons, persons, new insights etc.
- Realize the value of negative shifts as opportunities toward positive shifts.
- Connecting life events in new ways giving you meaning.
- Find new meanings between your life at present in relation to your past and future.
- Understand how your experiences better prepared you to face future challenges.
- Note how your responses to events have shaped your life and character (and not events themselves).
Part 2:
Once the timeline part 1 is complete, we can go deeper in part II. This session involves:
- Reviewing your timeline part, I to help you delve deeper in some events, and we can add a + (positive) next to events which were successes for you and – (negative) next to events that were more negative.
- Supporting you in seeing connections and how you can relate these events to any difficulties in your life today, how you can change your focus and ‘free your mind, thoughts’ of wounded thoughts/feeling and emotional charge. I ask you certain questions for you to deepen your awareness on how past events shaped your present.
- You can continue this exercise at home in your own time to facilitate learning and insights.
Part 3:
If you wanted to go even deeper, in part III, I probe deeper for you to gain more awareness in how certain events and key decisions might have influenced the direction of your life and character at present.
Working with timelines is empowering and can give you ownership of your life story, providing you with practical tools so you are your own guru. This roadmap is a helpful tool for your own self-reflection and personal work between sessions helping you to develop your capacity to consciously observe how past experiences and responses might shape your present, to understand and appreciate with much compassion, without shaming yourself or others who were part of your life experience, the value of past events, even negative ones, in strengthening who you are today.
Joining Details:

- Costs: 1 day, 3 hours morning (EU) or Afternoon and Evenings (US) workshop £250, 2 day 6 hours workshops £475, 3 days, 9 hours workshop: £625, 4 days, 12 hours workshop £799.
- Self-care: it is recommended that you have plenty of rest before the workshop and after the workshops, that you do not organise any events before or after the workshop, that you have plenty of nourishing foods and drinks.Please note some clients return to the above workshops regularly on a weekly, bi-weekly and monthly basis and are accompanied to continue deep-diving into various aspects of their lives, explore feelings etc. More questions will then be suggested for explorations.
- Times: These workshops are also available as afternoon intensives or evenings workshops (starting at 5.30pm, BST). Currently these slots are held for clients in different time zones to Europe. However, if you are based in Europe and would prefer an afternoon or evenings, please let Irena know.
- Booking & Cancellation terms: For 1- and 2-day workshops, fees are paid in full to secure a place. For a 3, 4, 5-day workshop, a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total cost of the workshop is required to secure your place with the remainder due 7 days before the start of the workshop. When a workshop is within 7 days of the start of the workshop, there is no refund once payment is made.
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to connect with me here.