The Lure of Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

“All that glitters is not gold.” William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice
One of my favourite old time classic tracks is by French band Daft Punk ‘Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger’. You can listen to it here.
As a teen, growing up in France, I toured semi-professionally in a dance company throughout school and got a scholarship at 19 after two years at French uni to study business and languages in Manchester.
I actually love business when it’s done intentionally, rooted in the wider eco-system of our communities, and with a conscious purpose. However that was never taught ever in all the courses I took even until recently. It was all about ‘high performance’ producing, action…
For many years, I thought that it was only by over-producing, achieving more, being in capital or large cities, surrounded by buzz, the latest shiny and trendy things, going out, doing things… as well as climbing up the corporate ladder that I’d be able to make enough money to get some form of stability for myself.

I commuted from central London for a year to Surrey, cycling 2 hours each way to work for free for 5 months so that I can work as an Assistant Psychologist and then do my Doctorate when I left my corporate job!
It looked as if my career was the most important thing in my life but it actually was not, ever, meaning and connection in relationship were. But we are not separate from our environments and everyone I interacted with always pushed me fod more: more work, more physical presence, more action, more profit, more outcome measures.. All about DOING, left brain stuff, and no valuing, and therefore no time allocated for BEING, thinking, vision, creativity.

Unfortunately the current thinking/paradigms in terms of career progression in most systems (whether public services, or the other extreme large corporate environments) is largely the same: one of lack of reciprocity. Let me explain.
We either have free or very minimally paid labour or on the other extreme enticing employees in exchange for ‘all that one desires’ but for their ounce of flesh’, to ‘climb the corporate ladder’ especially in overcrowded, over-priced large cities.
It also looked like, and most employers covertly expected, that we wanted to sacrifice personal time, connections with family and friends, to have long commutes, to work often underpaid and undervalued. This was especially the case for counsellors & trainee counselling psychologists who unlike medical trainees are unpaid. All this whilst navigating often organisational and institutional minefields, problematic dynamics, including in beloved NHS & charities, without being blown off.
The answer? Take Responsibility.
Of course it is wonderful to work as an employee when our personal values, the company’s values align. It is so inspiring when our employer truly has a culture which cares about its staff, ensuring that their business practices, at least, don’t make their employees more unwell and are prepared to adapt or at least be open to learning with ALL their employees’ whether neurotypical, neurodivergent, fully-abled, or not etc.etc. When that happens, and we work in organisations that care, I can attest that is a wonderful experience. I have thrived in many such roles and companies especially in one of my last roles before I trained in Psychology.
However, most organisations’ cultures might not be willing or be open to change. Often that is because organisations are led by humans and many in position of power, although they might be very skilled and specialised in a few areas they might not be skilled managers. Also we are in volatile unpredictable fast changing times, and roles are not forever. So you might wish, to consider looking after you own capital and invest in: YOU!
That might look like:
- Slowing down
- Have more quiet time
- Ensuring you have a good work life balance
- Connecting or learning to connect to yourself and your body sensations, using introspection, quiet time, meditation, seek help from counsellors if needed.
- Moving more.
- Learning to communicate your needs better.
As a Business graduate, entrepreneur, coach, former dancer, now psychologist/personal therapist, I have created various courses, including a coaching course, distilling all I’ve learnt in 6 modules to help anyone come out of striving.

I use psychology, counselling, meditation and business principles learnt all over the world, not just in universities and settings I worked in, but ashrams, monasteries, sporting events, the theatre stage. I can help you to hone into the things you might wish to focus on that are your unique gifts and talents.

You can read more here and apply if you’re interested to work with me.
You might also be interested in my other programmes here.