Workplace Coercive Control – More Than A Bad Boss

Dr Lisa Fontes and I published the findings of our work & research about coercive control in the workplace in our article in Psychology Today in August 2019.
Read Full article Here.
Workplace Coercive Control is a multipronged strategy comprised of various targeted incidents of abuse that limit an employee’s autonomy, sense of wellbeing, and ability to succeed at work.
In this piece, we focus on the ways bosses and supervisors use coercive control against subordinates in a range of workplaces and offer suggestions for those impacted.
I have devised a programme (Breaking Away From Coercive Control, Abusive & Toxic Relationship Patterns Course) to help those who have been at the other end of coercive control, coercion, abuse, manipulation or other toxic interactions.
Our intention with this programme is to guide you, if you, or someone you care about, might be in the midst of, are thinking of leaving or have left, a painful, abusive, coercive or toxic relationship and to help take your power back. You can read more about the programme here.
I also offer coaching and facilitation with elements of my programme. This can be delivered as part of the coaching programme, in workshops or working with individuals one to one on Skype in one off sessions. Read more about our coaching programme options here.
Connect with me if you are interested to learn more.