Some of the topics I have written and presented about include: employee engagement, resilience, mind-set change, memory, behavioural change, wellbeing (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, relational) and wellbeing in Organisations, psychology, psychotherapeutic modalities, meditation and yoga

, quiet-time & relaxation, trauma, spirituality in the workplace, coercive control, abuse organisation culture change, employee engagement, male mental health, diversity & inclusion, evolutionary psychology, resilience, Arts and Sport.
“There have always been good people doing good work for the benefit of others and Irena is one of them. Irena gave us all a voice and introduced us to each other. She highlighted skills and talents, praised and encouraged many people. She also personally supported me when I ran my own workshop sessions. Her sensible and scientific approach was extremely helpful when much about mental and emotional health can be very emotive and sensitive.”
C.W, Global Corporate firm, South East of England
Some of my research has been termed ‘novel’ and many of my findings have been incorporated in my programmes and how I work. Back in 2018 I was one of the first persons to refer to ‘coercive control in the workplace’ and have been quoted in articles often without my permission!
My findings and proposed approaches to wellbeing are available as an online or in person workshops. I can present elements of my courses or the subject matters I have specialised in in the forms of talks or Masterclasses. Get in touch with me if you are interested in me presenting to your organisation about any of those topics.
I co-authored an article with Dr Lisa Fontes on Psychology Today.
I will publish the findings of my doctoral thesis in late 2024/early 2025 on how counselling psychologists experience personal therapy during their doctoral training.