Your Alchemists Body/Mind/Spirit Connection Proprietary Course

After three decades of body-mind practices including stage work in Europe from the age of 10, and later the UK and the USA, communications expertise in the UK House of commons, business management, clinical psychology and academic research and an International yoga and meditation teaching qualification received in India in December 2019, we are delighted to launch our own body-mind-spirit proprietary course.
Our course weaves all our practices together in meditation, elements of yoga (such as gentle stretches and breathing) and other modalities such as spiritual and compassion Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), body expression, inner voice, communication and forms of movement to help you connect to yourself in a very effective and profound way. These modalities – whether top down (such as CBT) or bottom up (meditation, yoga, movement and voice work) will help you learn to connect with yourself and explore what might be in the way of you being all you are born to be.
For in person workshops, practices are modified for anyone who has experienced trauma or abuse. The right chairs available with back support are also used (see photos) for meditation.

I hold, amongst other Degrees, a Master MSc in Psychology and I am an accredited coach and facilitator of two modalities – Inner Bonding (co-created by the formidable Dr Margaret Paul) and Performance Consulting, created by British Psychologist Nigel Harrison. In addition I am a producer, trained actress and writer having written speeches for UK Ministers. I have experience of working with voice, movement and communication in diverse environments internationally and in different languages.
I continue my psychology training under supervision of clinical Doctors and Consultants working in the English Health service, hoping to join a Doctoral programme.

The meditation traditions I was taught and I practice include ‘Samata’ (concentration) meditation, ‘Vipassana’ (Insight) meditation and elements of ‘zazen’ (sitting meditation) from the Tibetan Shambhala and Zen traditions in buddhist centres in London, Vipassana monasteries in Bath and various places in South East Asia on my travels. I was supervised by accredited monks.
I created a 9 week online and in-person course I delivered as part of my Master MSc Psychology which was validated ethically by my faculty of Psychology.
I completed my yoga teacher training in India in December 2019.


I carried out one of the only studies (to my knowledge) of experiences of coercive control in environments other than the domestic sphere. Dr Lisa Fontes, expert, university lecturer and international author and myself co-authored an article in Psychology Today in which we publish our findings. I also had the honour of presenting my findings to colleagues and peers in the health service. It is my wish to embed some of our findings as part of awareness courses more widely.
I devised an online course, currently available by email, in which I help you break away and recover from abusive relationships.
Read the article Here.
I trained with Tom Radcliffe in London. Tom is one of the very few accredited Meisner acting teachers in Europe (who was taught by Sanford Meisner himself) and by the late William ‘Bill’ Esper in New York, also taught by Sanford Meisner in the Meisner Technique. Fellow Alumni in my class are friend Stacey Roca who you can currently watch in Mindhunters on Netflix and Lucy Russell, who you can watch in Chernobyl on TV and in ‘Judy’ with Renee Zellweger.
I have produced and acted in a series of plays in London and in Europe. I have also written speeches for Ministers.

It is our passion to transmit all that we have learnt to help you feel joy and passion in your life. Our base-line is joy and not merely survival.
Connect with us if you want to learn more or have any queries at: [email protected]